FebU.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm announced that MLtwist will receive $198,834 to develop their Preparation & Requisition of Integrated Microscopy + Energy Data platform (PRIMED). PRIMED will support machine learning data in microscopy by allowing researchers to easily organize, manage, and share data.
“Supporting small businesses will ensure we are tapping into all of America’s talent to develop clean energy technologies that will help us tackle the climate crisis,” said Secretary Granholm. “DOE’s investments will enable these economic engines to optimize and commercialize their breakthroughs, while developing the next generation of climate leaders and helping to build a sustainable future to benefit all Americans.”
PRIMED will enable energy researchers to easily classify and locate data related to their research by leveraging its built-in natural language processing (NLP) machine learning. In addition, PRIMED will empower researchers to add their own data labeling annotations by integrating with key labeling platforms. Through the SBIR program across the federal government, small business powers the U.S. economy and generates thousands of jobs, both directly and indirectly, the DOE notes.
“We are thrilled to have won this deal,” said Mina Pichavant, Program Director at MLtwist. “Thanks to our partners at DOE, we are able to bring MLtwist’s technology to the energy industry.”
More information about all the projects announced by DOE today is available at the following link: https://science.osti.gov/sbir
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June 25, 2024 / 2pm EST / 11am PST
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