Any unstructured data, any data format

MLtwist cleans, transforms, augments and sends your data back in your native format
so that you can build your AI faster and better. 

Getting your data ready for AI is hard

Are you confused by the sheer number of AI data tools on the market? Is your data team stuck at the starting block? Are you overwhelmed by formatting requirements, cleaning, labeling, and quality control? 

MLtwist is the ONLY no-code platform that solves this problem for ANY data type. 
We connect on the fly to the right AI tools for each of your use cases. 

Bring your AI

to the world faster


 An AI data pipeline ensures that your AI gets the best quality data at the right time to make smart decisions. An AI data pipeline is an organized assembly line that shuttles your data from its source to its final destination, making it AI-usable along the way. It collects data from your data repository, cleans and transforms it, then feeds it to your AI model. 


We do ONLY that and we do it well. 


Our Process


Point MLtwist’s platform to your data and

see your data flow in and out of AI data tools

We can create the pipes in between your pre-selected tools OR we can choose the right tools for each of your data needs.

No Black Box, 

Total Transparency 

Retain total control over your data and ask MLtwist to build your data ecosystem or simply build it yourself. Every AI data use case has its own data cleaning and formatting challenges and data labeling requirements. We believe your data should go to the right tool the first time, every time, so that you don’t have to compromise on quality. 

Own your data operations or ask MLtwist for help

Data Orchestration services – design data flow, select the right AI data tools, select & assign workforces and oversee quality control. You can do it all or we can do it for you.