Born in Silicon Valley: Revolutionizing Data Preparation for Machine Learning
Back in August, MLtwist CEO and co-founder David Smith had the opportunity to sit down with Match Relevant for a deep dive into the cutting-edge solutions that are transforming the world of data preparation for AI and machine learning models. We talked about unifying data across different annotation systems and streamlining the process for data scientists and ML engineers to give them back valuable time needed to refine and test their models.
[Applause] [Music] I’m Jake aren vill Royale born and raised in Silicon Valley and here to
take you behind the scenes to share what it’s like to be a startup Founder The Journey they’re on the problems they face and the products they build in an
effort to transform Industries I’m excited to have with us today David Smith co-founder and CEO of ml twist
David welcome to the show Hey Jake great to be here thanks for having you here we
have a little bit of a background here we’re both from the Bay Area and we’ll talk a little bit more about that but
we’ll also get into your company ml twist before we do that a little bit more about David he is um not just the
founder but also has held leadership roles at companies like Google Oracle double click Newar and has has been
through four Acquisitions he has focused on enabling strategic data for AI and
launched firstof its kind data Partnerships with companies like Oracle Google JD Power Twitter Etc David holds
a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science and engineering from UC Davis
and happy to have him here with us today before we jump in here David where are you calling from today San Jose
California hundreds of AI startups are launching every month battling to build their founding teams as a leader your
job is get results when it comes to hiring that’s where it gets tough so you go out and you try a recruitment firm
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wasted that’s why we launch match Rel cuz your story is more than just an open role it’s your Founder’s Journey the
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when it comes to hiring Engineers we work to make sure we get it right by deploying a team of seasoned CTO that
have built some of silicon Valley’s best companies they can collaborate with you in the technical interviewing process
they can be a sounding board or they can run for you when it comes to building teams there’s no time to waste let’s
make it count if you have a role that needs to be filled book a time with a hiring guide at match relevant. comom
and learn how we do it great we’re both from there so it’s surprising we don’t
have more of a connected Network at some level maybe we do probably be whole other
podcast exactly both been an Oracle and I’m sure there’s some lines across at
some point but anyway um yeah want to um just kind of walk through um your background a little bit why don’t you
kind of give us a how did you get into technology and in the into the startup ecosystem yeah so I guess technology I
I’ve always been you know that that kind of stereotypical Dungeons and Dragons
and into computers at a young age all that stuff Magic the Gathering in high
school and I ended up um getting a computer engineering degre degree from
UC Davis but I graduated during the bust so I couldn’t get a job right away uh
out of college and I actually ended up in Europe uh doing different things I
was a bartender at one point uh in Paris which was pretty cool and uh ended up
working as a sales engineer for uh at the time what I didn’t know but uh was
NLP uh an early ination doing different things I was a bartender at one point in
Paris which was pretty cool and ended up working as a sales engineer for at the
time what I didn’t know but was an early interation of NLP and then I ended up at
eventually joining a company that got bought by double click that company got bought by Google got to got to be a part
of that and and then from then on ended up working at some other companies like market share that got bought by new star
that got bought by Golden Gate capital and I left them to join Oracle just before Golden Gate sold that business to
to TransUnion so it’s been it’s been a a crazy ride and I’m back in back in the Silicon Valley yeah that’s great yeah
there’s a lot of T twists and turns in your in your career I like the title of
your company ml twist um you know there’s so much conversation happening
around Ai and data and what it all means um talk to us a little bit about what
inspired you to start your current company with the background you have and what was the problem you saw that you
thought you know what there’s an opportunity here to to dig in and build something I’ve been dealing with data
for a long time like at all those companies that talking about even the one in Europe data has always been kind
of front and center and AI sort of added a whole new dimension to everything so
data’s always been interesting to work with where did you get it who’s touched it where has it
been what rights do you have and that’s before you even start talking about the quality right so what I thought was
really interesting was when I AI so back in 20121 or 2020 when AI was becoming
more and more prominent and even before then I’d been heavily involved in in making sure data was ready for for
models whether they were machine learning or some of the early basian U models it dawned on me that there’s a
lot more to be done around around working with data specifically for AI
that some of the more traditional ETL extract transform load Technologies
didn’t really deal with so that for me was kind of an opportunity to say hey I
love working with data there’s something some good I think I can do out there let’s let’s give this a shot and and and
see where it takes us yeah you know for engineers this is probably very easy to
understand but for the Layman that is not a data engineer or really isn’t technical when we talk about llms large
language models and ingesting data you know it’s bringing data into systems and
models that you can then take and and hopefully make better decisions with that data create some sort of
opportunity out of it maybe it’s helping optimize how you run your business or maybe Revenue opportunities but you talk
about strategic data that you provide for companies kind of let’s take a step
back and and talk talk to us about in the data space what what are you solving
for the companies that might already have llms or they might already be you know pretty deep into trying to make use
of their data where do you fit there yeah so a lot of our customers they
actually have already built the AI the first the first iteration of it and a lot of them go oh this is we we can do
this we need it to be better right so a lot of our customers are trying to solve some problem that problem might be I
need to identify a fault in a in some material coming down a manufacturing
line it might be uh I have a news article and I want to automatically
classify all of the you know all of the references to buildings it might be an
investor who’s like I want to take uh the transcript from an earnings report and automatically you know extract all
the all the information or look look for certain signals so companies the the the
thing that’s tempting and the thing that’s also you got to be careful with is AI is it can kind of let your
imagination run wild so a lot of these companies are doing different things we’ll talk about some of the specifics
later but what you’ll do is you’ll typically take some thing that you have
throw it at AI get AI to do something to to make a very basic understanding of
what what you’re throwing at it and then you’ll go great I need you to do that every single time and that’s when it
gets tricky because what you’ll find is that the model will do pretty well on like a very small data set or a data set
that you threw at it but to get it to do better and better on more and more
versions of that data let’s say it’s you know back to the cracken the the crack in some products coming down the cracks
might look different there there’s always going to be like an exception to the rule and what you end up with is you
end up with a need to throw more and more data at your model and that’s kind
of when you start to decide okay am I am I am I going to do this myself is this
is this my thing I’m gonna you know or or do I partner do I use other
technologies that are more into getting the data ready for my model and then I can just focus on building the model
itself so when you look at a company for example I don’t know the US government
or one of your clients by the way or you know an organization that’s got tons of
data they’ve already put an llm together they’ve got the data in there and then
it starts to crack or break or just isn’t functioning when they start layering more data in there what do your
platform do or what’s how do you help solve that problem so if you look at the
AI data space right now you’re going to see hundreds of companies that are all
building Technologies focused on AI data and what ml twist is more focused on is
the the process of getting that data ready so my co-founder Audrey she’s
she’s in data operations it’s a it’s a fairly it’s a role that’s becoming more and more prominent so effectively the
people like who get the data ready for the AI models and they’re not necessarily Engineers or data SCI
scientists like they can be lawyers looking through client briefs and trying to tell a model what what they’re
looking for or it can be you know we talking about the government could be a security specialist That’s like looking
for something uh that somebody should not have on their body so these people
they kind of need to be set up in an environment where they can easily identify use their human you know their
their intelligence their expertise to to Signal stuff to a model and then have
the model pick up on on it and ml twist is focused on making that happen at a
super high level so what you end up with if you go into the weeds is you kind of
end up with a hundred things that need to happen and if any one of those things doesn’t go the way it should it can
actually ruin the the other pieces so ml twist kind of facilitates all that by
making those 100 things more automated and giving people the flexibility to use different data tools to work on the data
that they need and then change the data tool or keep that data tool and add a
new one for some new data that they’re working on in in a in an environment that’s kind of like no code so you don’t
need to write code to to get this to work and and it’s giving these data
operations people the ability to have the flexibility to work on data without needing to to to be data scientists or
or uh Engineers themselves that’s great you know creating a product or a
platform or a solution is one thing but actually getting it to the right people is another when you’re out there
presenting or pitching or getting new customers who are you selling to is it
the people you talked about that don’t have to be Engineers that are going to use this no code platform to do their
job better and if it is them how are you getting to them like what’s what’s your go to market strategy that’s working for
you there yeah so it’s uh surprisingly it’s actually well surprisingly it’s it’s product managers so often times
product managers have an AI remit they are mandated to either build AI or
integrate AI into a product that they’re managing so they typically collaborate with a team of data scientists to make
that happen and eventually those data scientists will either say we need help
or there’s some sort of model drift so the model you know was doing great and now the model’s not doing great anymore
and we think we have data problem so we’ll typically talk with them to to
talk through okay hey like what talk us through your process what tools are you using how are you going about it what
are you trying to do with the data what kind of data do you have those are all things that are are are organic to the
conversation um data operations people are typically within somewhere within
those teams they’re influencers and and and they’re very critical to that conversation as well um so it’s kind of
like when you look at AI it’s actually it’s a massive team effort across engineering operations experts and and
and typically product management is one of the roles that leads that yeah that’s
great so just walk me through the product itself so if you’re listening and you’re a product manager and maybe
you’re involved in the data strategy for your company and maybe you’re hitting some walls or just in general trying to
figure out like hey what are the tools out there that can really make my job better what do they get are they logging
into a system with a dashboard are they seeing like data buckets that they need
to connect like what’s what’s it look like walk us through that a little bit yeah that’s right so if you to to kind
of like in an Ideal World if you could wave a magic wand and just have your data ready for AI that you would you
would probably do that right like if if that option existed that’s what you would do because you’re not actually
focused like your business is not going to to really make margin by getting the
data ready your business is going to make its margin by actually building good AI that works and then is is correctly deployed and and and continues
to advance usually those are part and parcel so the AI is is linked to the
data prep our platform is someone logs into a dashboard points it to
unstructured data where it lives can decide hey this unstructured data is going to go through this type of AI to
take a first pass at it it’s what we call pre-labeling then that data then goes into an AI data tool again this is
stuff that um the customer can select or if they don’t they they they have options if they’re not they’re not sure
what to select they assign it to experts so either within their own company or
people that they approved outside of their company to work on that data and then after that the data goes through a
semi-automated quality control process there’s like ml twist looks at the raw Json the the files that get created from
that whole process that that is effectively the work that the person did and creates a report we call it an hrr
human readable report um that takes all this this this language called Json turns into something that is easier to
understand and then when that’s all said and done they hit the go button and then the data takes it from whatever tool
they were using in whatever format it it spits out data in and changes it into
the format that the data scientists actually use for their own models so as a product manager as a user you don’t
really have to know all of that all you really are is like hey I want to work on
some data today I want to process this data I want to you know so so you don’t
you don’t really need to know behind the scenes what’s going on you’re more like point it at data visualize it work on it
and then and then eventually get it to the next toop got it so what’s the
benefit to the company or to the product manager by using your platform so these SE are all things that
they need to figure out right so so most of the industry today in our experience
actually are not like using there’s a lot of tools there’s billions of dollars that have been spent on different tools
out there for AI data is still interesting to me that oftentimes a lot of the companies we talk to do open-
Source stuff they’re like no this this tool is unique to us it does the thing that we need to do but eventually what
data scientists want to get out of their data continues to evolve and and outpaces the tooling that’s available in
the market today so these product managers will probably need to sign up with either either build their own tools
themselves and hire a bunch of Engineers and to maintain build maintain and then continue to upgrade or they’ll take a
third party tool and even then the third party tool has an API every single tool
worth its salt has has an API integration because they know things need to be prepared in a certain way
before it can be pushed to their tool and then worked on with within their tool so those product managers also need
to get engineering resources to do the API integration um and then what happens
is typically they’ll have an update where they need to keep that tool but there’s like a new data file so maybe
you were working on video and now you need to do text or audio and now you
need another tool and you kind of need to like continue to to build this these
Integrations to push your data into these tools pull them from these tools and
effectively that that’s your world if you’re a a product manager ml twist kind of comes in goes hey you you don’t need
to do that like you you can just use the platform it’ll push the data where it needs to go and then it’ll it’ll pull
the data and then you still get to leverage all these amazing tools that are out there in the ecosystem that’s great sounds like it
solves a lot of problems and complexity where everyone’s still trying to figure out what to do with the data and I think
the biggest question is if you already set it up and and your your system starts to break down like who do you go
to it sounds like you can help with that aspect of it um you know when you talk
about Ai and there’s so many different routes to go in it it’s I think the next
transformation that we’re hitting I we’ both through been through boom and bust and so you know it’s we’ve gone
through different Transformations from Cloud to mobile now ai uh I think is probably going to be bigger than any of
them except for the internet obviously but when you look at it um you know you
were you were sharing that the we’ve already ingested the world’s data on the
internet in within you know a year or maybe a couple years um kind of where do
we go from here I mean yeah what’s give us your perspective there yeah it’s
pretty crazy I mean even a year or two ago this idea that like um so there’s
reports out there that open AI effectively have like gone through all of the worlds all the data they can get
their hands on to train their llms um I don’t know if that’s correct or not they have they haven’t commented on it but to
me is an astounding concept and there’s two there’s kind of like three it’s it’s
sort of like PI aath right um and there’s different camps on what to do so
one Camp is saying well we’re generating new data at a rate that is unprecedented so like just wait a year and then you
have more data to feed your llm um there’s another Camp that’s like oh well
we should create data you know we should do augmented data synthetic data these other Concepts we should we should like
create data to train them all um but I think the camp that is really has kind
of made the most Headway in terms of ability to pursue that and get results is going back to the data that you
ingested and then improving the quality there’s a lot to be talked about in
terms of what does that actually mean but I believe that’s what we’re seeing so we are now seeing an uptick and
people first off like there’s Gartner reported that 4% of companies in a in
one of the reports that they ran said that their data is AI ready so yes there are some companies that are ahead of the
curve but the average company probably does not have its own data ready for AI and for those companies that are ahead
of the curve and kind of like gone through everything in the kitchen sink what we’re seeing is that those companies are going back to the data and
going oh we need to we need to make this data better to improve our AI in fact
arguably that’s better than throwing more data at it there’s a research by Andrew in professor over at Stanford who
says that and he you know one of the thought leaders in AI he says he he had
a presentation that showed that you need to throw roughly two to three times the amount of data to your model to get the
same type typ of performance as if that data was was of good quality versus like
okay quality and there’s other research that shows if you throw bad data at your model and quality that’s lower the model
actually degrades and goes backwards in performance so I think you’re going to see a lot of people going to their data
sets and then going okay let’s let’s make this data better yeah well you know
we’re hearing from almost every CEO of Fortune 500 companies that we talk to
that they need a Strate in place for AI and they’re going to their CTO and their data teams and saying what are we going
to do with AI what’s our strategy how can we become a better company generate more Revenue whatever the strategy is
that it’s all centered around the data so there’s this huge gap of what providers can do for these companies
that are still trying to figure out their own strategy and then once they do have a strategy what tools they’re going
to use that are going to help them maximize their people and their time to to get the value out of it so
I I really I like the space you’re in I know there’s a lot of competition out there what’s the biggest challenge you
face today as a company I would go back to what I mentioned before a lot of people are
still uh so one of the things I get told all the time is hey I’m using open source it’s free and what you tend to
find is you tend to find well you still do need to pay for the engineers who are supporting the open to open source
tooling and and and being able to to continue to build on that so of the one
of the concepts is just companies getting further along the AI curve is kind of the way I think about it because
eventually there there’s a reason why these other platforms the other data tools exist these other companies exist
and it’s because eventually things things kind of hit a Breaking Point and it makes sense to to to take advantage
of some of the the third part technology that’s out there um so I I guess what
I’m really saying is it’s a long road we’re at we’re all at the beginning of
it when it comes to AI a lot of companies have a lot of initiatives and as they move from kind of this let’s
experiment and get some ideas down to hey we really need to improve the performance of of the models that we’re
building or the models that we’re leveraging that’s kind of going to naturally and organically push teams to
see if there are other companies who’ve built solutions that can help them navigate some of the craziness that’s
going on in the world of makes sense I I want to talk a little bit about data pipelines you know they’ve been around
for a long time why did data pipelines for AI need to be different
yeah data pipeline so so data pipelines have always been like it’s it’s kind of notorious they’ve always been around
they’ve always been these things that have been they are they are special you you typically every company has a team
of data Engineers supporting data pipelines AI data is weird what happened with AI data is you had this idea of
quality so back in the day uh let’s say that you were in you you need to export your customer list from Salesforce to to
to Google ad manager well you have a list of people and the qu is pretty simple did that list make it over to the
other side right it was like a checkbox a 01 there’s a way to know if you you did the job the data was good was there
any corruption some the names not fully make it across things like that what AI
did was it introduced this concept of quality in a different sense where it
was more based on a human’s on a person’s perception so you could have
done everything right the formats right the the the the data you know the data
made its way across but if the thing that the that is being described was wrong like you say it’s a cat and it’s a
dog or things like that um it can look right but it can still be wrong and
that’s where AI data started to add complexity it’s this idea that we’re now Beyond data engineers and data
scientists and and and computer engineers and that AI is actually like it’s a human it’s a human concept and
with that you need subject matter experts to effectively get involved in
the data pipeline process and say yeah that that looks right that that looks wrong um and that has caused all sorts
of differences in the way that data needs to be worked on that are sort of
very off-the-beaten path of like I’ve got a database here I’m trying to get the data over to that that side and you
know and and then we’re we’re good so for me that was an opportunity to say
hey like let’s let let’s start to create technology that is very very tuned to
this to the concept of AI data versus some of the other ETL that’s out there
got it you know there’s a lot of Buzz about Ai and transparently you know
all of our customers today are AI startups and that wasn’t the case you know a couple years ago we know there’s
real opportunities and Innovation happening and a lot of money being thrown at that Innovation there’s also a
lot of buzz on social media what do you think the current state of AI is from your
perspective so I mean ml twist started genan 2021 I
think AI didn’t really get its its oh my gosh this is real moment until
you know when when open AI did their thing and and and that was several years
later and it’s really impressive it on the flip side a lot of our customers are
still interested in the good oldfashioned image recognition other parts of uh of other
types of AI that are out there machine learning so I’m not trying to say that
there a lot of companies raising money because everyone now has always understood and I think now now really
understands that this is game changer this is like you said it’s you know how do you compare it to to the the to the
internet um on the flip side there’s going to be
a curve of companies there’s a difference between B to C and B2B B to C
you can have a large language model hallucinate and it’s like it’s like you know with search like you can have for
search results that are not very good that’s that’s okay in the B2B world you’re going to find a lot of use cases
where that’s not okay and what you’re seeing is you’re going to see I think a lot of businesses try to figure out how
do we take um these people who who are very very good at their at what they do
and then use AI to help them that is still a a thing that’s progressing so I
think it’s a longwinded answer to say there is a lot of opportunity and at the
same time I think that there are there’s still a long way to go before we we
really start to see I think what what AI is going to H how it’s going to transform
businesses yeah well I I think that makes a lot of sense I know we’re kind
of in the early stages it seems like we’re progressing very quickly you know as a company you often times have a
North star and you shoot for it but you make a lot of left and right decisions has has there been any major pivots or
shifts you’ve had to make when you started with your concept and where you’re at today as a company yeah so one of the things that
happened to us fairly early was we won an award from the US government on that
was more focused on Building Technology to extract to interpret data and from
that we were like oh okay we can do this so not only do you have to grab the data and and kind you also have to figure out
the AI piece of of of interpreting it um
what we noticed was that we were spending a ton of our time working out the the the data flow piece and not as
much time in the modeling piece so is this program that the department of energy awarded us called an sbir small
business Innovation I believe research award from that we kind of did away with
with the idea of okay we should be building the the the AI thing and we should instead be far more focused on
just getting the data ready and then allow our customers to focus on building
the models with the idea that eventually the models can be plugged into the data so that they can assist with making with
the data preparation process um but let customers like focus at what they’re good at and then let us and then there’s
enough work to do on the data prep side so I would say the reason why I would kind of a failure is we did not proceed
to like the phase two of that award uh but in doing the phase one and building what we had uh built we
realized there were applications for other other entities other companies so for example that we recently did a a
webinar with siia National Laboratory that uses ml twist to process data for
the TSA and get that data ready we’re not building the threat detection
algorithms we’re fully focused on just the data processing the data transformation the data labeling getting
everything ready for those companies so in a way by not advancing to the phase
two and by having built in this this data processing piece within the phase one that we were able to to kind of
continue going forward with it was a kind of a a major transformation for the
company of okay this this is something that people want and people and people need and and and we took the business
that way yeah that’s great you know every company goes through breakthroughs
personally as well as sometimes technically or otherwise what’s been a breakthrough for you that you felt has
really been an accelerator for the company I would say there’s there’s a couple things um the biggest is just the
advancement of the so so in that story I just said at the time the base models were still not that good nowadays you
plug into you know goo so we’re we’re we’re on all the different clouds uh gcp
Azure AWS they all have these base models that are getting better and better and better so for me a
breakthrough like Facebook just launched their segment anything model version too which allows you to throw an image at it
and then it does a better job of like trying trying to identify what’s going on so the idea of you that you can that
the world is multimodel and that you can throw a lot of these models to data and
then get your data the quality up by by still integrating expertise I think for
us has been uh has been a big thing the other one was and this is going to say silly but the hrrs the human readable
reports uh were kind of transformational that was sort of inspired by Audrey co-founder who ended up saying listen
like that’s great that you’ve got all these Json but like me and the rest of the team don’t understand what the heck’s going on in these things like
like you could but they’re they’re a nightmare at a come through so the other the other breakthrough was um taking not
the it was effectively taking that and turning it into something that people could actually look at and derive
insights from which then influenced them going back to the data and fixing things that that looked off or or checking
things that looked off and validating no they they look off but that that’s actually correct um so those are two
things that I think were were fairly uh big for ML twist yeah that’s great well
we’re heading into 2025 already you know a quarter a little over a quarter away
what what are you excited about what’s on the road map for ML twist the the goal for ML twist was
always to take what we’re doing and then uh make it so that uh a a person a data
operations person doesn’t actually need to know what’s happening behind the scenes so today if you look at the
platform uh customers still fairly aware of hey we need to use this technology and that technology or they’ll they’ll
use some of the defaults that we have but the ability to effectively start to
automate those Concepts like I was asked by by someone close to me who’s stamp
collector they said hey I need to get these I I have like a a poster of all
these stamps and I need to effectively visualize stamp one by one and then I
need to identify which stamp belongs to where it is on that poster and I was
thinking to myself this is you know as as AI starts to advance we’re going to
get more and more people who are not data scientists who are not Engineers who want to do cool stuff but need help
like organizing and and and if you’re going to build AI you actually do have to start you you do have to use the data
you have to you’re going to have to do that yourself and apply your own intelligence your own magic but then
once you apply it you can then fairly easily Port that to to some of the base
models and and train them and then off to you’re Off to the Races so in terms of where we’re where we’re working to go
it’s important that we get the core right and then after that can we take the the the understanding people have to
have about their AI data pipelines and kind of make it so that they do not need to know those details and they can just
focus on on what they’re trying to do so that’s that is kind of our take of where AI would fit in our world for for
ourselves on on things that we can build and develop yeah that’s great well you
know every company that starts has a journey and a path it sounds like you’re on a good one what’s something you wish
you would have known before you started the company was that on the list of questions I’m kidding so I think what
would have been good to know was when you when you raise like how important
raising is um I kind of I think a little bit naively thought hey I’m a coder I’m
going to build something that’s useful and then we’re going to get lots of customers and continue to to do that
what I I’ve learned is that there are people who who who can do that um but in
today’s world getting investors on board who believe in in what you’re doing
believe in you know like like what you’re doing and then want to be a part of it um has been really really powerful
um so I think before a lot of times you’re like just just just very focused
on the product and then you realize no like you need to have backers and then that translates into the team you need
to make sure that the people who are also especially when you’re a smaller team are are on board also believe in in
what’s happening and and are aware of the problems that are out there so it it can start if you’re a solo founder it
can start with an investor but then it very quickly translates once you use that Capital to bring on Engineers to
bring on to bring on teams to to the people around you so I think another
it’s just the the old adage if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together I would say that that’s
probably one of the biggest things that I um I have a new appreciation for uh
now now that we’re a few years down the road yeah well that’s great I love that
hopefully others will learn from that too um as we wrap up here David I want to thank you for your time and really
Having the courage to come on and tell your story and for all the listeners spending your time with us today it means a lot to me that you’ve made it to
the show um I’m the host Jake Aon vill roale signing off for now but can’t wait
to catch up with you all on the next episode until then David everyone else
take care if you like what we’re doing don’t forget to subscribe leave a review on Apple podcast or wherever you listen
and follow us on YouTube where we go behind the scenes to learn what it takes to be a startup founder
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June 25, 2024 / 2pm EST / 11am PST
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